Partnership Opportunities

PartnershipsIf you are a professional in southeast Iowa, we can put you in touch with area students who:

  • are interested in learning about your company, the kind of work you do, and what they need to study to enter the career field.
  • are interested in applying what they’ve learned in class to the real world.
  • would like to learn more about the opportunities found right here in the Indian Hills area.

Partner with us!

We invite you to join us! To partner with us for any of the opportunities described below, please complete and submit the Business Partner Form


Host a Job Shadow

Job shadow students come into the workplace and spend part of a day (a minimum of two hours) learning as much as they can about what you do. Students will observe and interact with you to see if this career is a good fit for them. This experiential learning helps them better understand available local careers and make connections between what they are learning in high school and what will be required of them as employees. Students are covered through their school's Worker's Compensation Policy for school-to-work activities. See Iowa Code Chapter 85.2, as amended by Senate File 361


Host an Internship

One of the best ways to show young people that there are many career opportunities right here in southeast Iowa is to host an internship. You'll work with students to give them a head start on their careers through hands-on academic career exploration. Internships consist of 45 to 90 hours of on-site learning for students, starting the summer before junior year through the Spring term of senior year. Employers have the opportunity to meet and understand their future workforce members and nurture the relationships necessary to fill critical positions with homegrown talent.


Give a Worksite Tour

Lead students on a tour of your facilities to show them the various career opportunities available across all aspects of your business! Worksite tours are typically between 30 and 90 minutes in length. A good worksite tour is engaging, stimulating, and informative. Tours should provide students with an understanding of the workings of your inner-office, including multiple departments and business areas. Find out more >>


Be a Career Speaker in a High School Classroom

Share your career path and experience with a small group of students or an entire classroom. Career speakers open the minds of students to opportunities they may never have considered, and inform them of educational and other requirements for their particular career fields. You’ll enhance your company’s reputation by positioning yourself well in the minds of local teachers, students, and parents. You will also have a positive influence on the link between education and employment.

Tips for a Successful Career Presentation

  • Describe your job responsibilities.
  • Explain how you developed an interest in your career.
  • Give examples of how students can prepare now for their future careers.
  • Describe what personality types fit well with your specific job.
  • Bring examples of your work or important tools you use to perform your job.
  • List the qualifications and skills necessary for your career.
  • Stress the importance of education/training as a means of achieving goals.
  • Use as many personal anecdotes as possible. People identify with stories.
  • Emphasize the importance of teamwork in today's business environment.
  • Describe your workplace, work hours, and the responsibilities of your job.
  • Talk about the impact that technology has had on your career and its potential impact on the future.
  • Share the advantages and challenges of your job.
  • Explain the importance of having problem-solving skills, as well as how to develop them.
  • Discuss the future growth of your profession. What will your job be like ten years from now?



miller_profileNathan Miller, Work-Based Learning Specialist
Indian Hills Community College

525 Grandview Avenue Ottumwa, Iowa 52501

Phone: (641) 683-5309 or (800) 726-2585, ext. 5309
Email: [email protected]