Service Learning

Build Your Future by Giving Back

The 100 Hours of Service Learning program at Indian Hills is a great way to give back to your community and expand your student experience.

When you sign up, you earn service and participation hours in a multitude of ways, from volunteering with youth and elderly to attending performing and visual arts events.

The payoff? The President's Student Service Award — and a lot of great stuff to add to your resume or transfer application. Most career-focused groups offer scholarships as well!

Service Learning Matters

  • Volunteering is a great way to take pride and ownership in your community.
  • It's a great resume builder, demonstrating communication and leadership skills that future employers look for.
  • It's an opportunity to give back to an organization or cause. That's something you can translate to other areas of your life.

Questions? Please contact [email protected].

How the 100 Hours of Service Learning Program Works

There are three divisions of service learning, and a minimum number of hours for each. Each division has varying categories to allow multiple options in reaching the minimum hour requirement.

As you take part in activities, you collect the signatures and contact information of event supervisors. You'll track your participation and upload your signed log sheets in the MyHills portal.

Let's Get Started!

Community Volunteerism: 40 Hours
College Service: 40 Hours
Community Engagement: 20 Events

Tracking Your Service Hours

You'll track your service hours through your MyHills account, under the My Organizations tab.

As you participate in activities or attend events, you'll ask an event supervisor to sign a Service Learning log sheet. Then you'll upload your log sheets into MyHills.

How to Add President's Student Service Award Tracking to MyHills

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get started?
How do I track my hours and events?
Where can I find a log sheet?
Why do I need to journal about each activity or event?
How do I find opportunities and activities?
How do I add the President’s Student Service Award to MyHills?
How long do I have to complete the 100 hours?
What counts towards the 100 hours of service and events?
What if I don’t live on campus or even in Ottumwa or Centerville?
Can activities and volunteer work that I am doing for classes/athletics/student groups count?

Talk to a Real Person

Service Learning Program

Addie Halley
Academic and Career Advisor, Bennett Student Services Center

[email protected]