About the Teaching & Learning Center

Welcome to our Teaching and Learning Center, where knowledge meets innovation! Our center is dedicated to fostering a dynamic and collaborative educational environment, providing resources and support to empower both educators and learners on their educational journey. Through a commitment to excellence, creativity, and continuous improvement, we aim to inspire a love for learning and facilitate the development of lifelong skills for success.


We offer a variety of opportunities for faculty and staff to engage in as part of their professional growth and development. Our seminars (typically one-hour overviews) and workshops (usually one-and-a-half hours with work time embedded) connect to one or more of our PD strands:

  • Adult Learning
  • Curriculum
  • Instruction
  • Assessment
  • Technology Integration

View the Spring 2024 Professional Development Catalog

View the Winter 2023 Professional Development Catalog

View the Fall 2023 Professional Development Catalog

New Faculty Academy

The New Faculty Academy (NFA) is a unique professional development program that immerses new faculty in experiences which emphasize a learner-centered andragogy. Employees new to IHCC who have a teaching position are required to complete NFA according to their assigned position designation. 

Understanding that new faculty come to IHCC directly from the workforce, K-12 systems, or other institutions of higher education, NFA is structured to honor, and build upon, the wide range of skills and experiences that everyone brings to their teaching role at IHCC. As a result, NFA is a highly differentiated adult learning experience which is heavily influenced by individual needs-analysis in the areas of adult learning, curriculum, instruction, assessment, and technology. 

The NFA consists of seven components:

New Hire Rquirement
Boot Camp

New Faculty Academy involves a minimum of 25 hours of professional development during the first year of IHCC employment as outlined in the college’s Quality Faculty Plan (QFP).


Adjunct Academy

The Adjunct Faculty Academy at Indian Hills Community College is a comprehensive initiative focused on seamlessly integrating adjunct faculty into the college community. The academy's orientation program ensures a warm welcome, introducing adjuncts to the college's values and mission while emphasizing their crucial role in the academic community. Special attention is given to equipping instructors with proficiency in online tools, such as the learning management system and virtual classrooms, to enhance the online learning experience. Additionally, the academy establishes a transparent reporting structure, providing adjuncts with direct communication channels to department heads and administrative contacts for seamless support in both academic and logistical matters. Through these initiatives, the Adjunct Faculty Academy strives to create a positive onboarding experience, fostering a sense of belonging and facilitating successful collaboration in line with the college's commitment to academic excellence. 


Community College Teaching Summit

The Community College Teaching Summit is offered multiple times throughout the year to give all faculty a chance to attend sessions they may not have been able to attend when they were originally offered. The Summit occurs on a Saturday and offers six (6) total sessions in one day. Faculty can attend as many of the sessions as they would like.  


Iowa Faculty Development Collaborative

This is a repository of professional development resources created by, and available to, all Iowa Community Colleges. Register for an account at the link and explore learning opportunities to bolster your professional skills and practices. To see this repository, click here.


Need help or support from our Teaching and Learning Team? Fill out the form below.

Submit a Teaching & Learning Request



Emily Mason

Emily Mason, T&L Instructional Coach
Indian Hills Community College
525 Grandview Avenue Ottumwa, Iowa 52501

Phone: (641) 683-5115
Email: [email protected]