Indian Hills Community College engages in a 3-year strategic planning cycle. In preparation for the development of a new strategic plan, the college seeks input from internal and external stakeholders including faculty and staff members, Trustees, Foundation Board members, academic program advisors, and community members from across Region 15. Strategic planning at Indian Hills Community College features environmental scanning that looks at external factors impacting higher education and workforce training. The college uses input from stakeholders to draft strategic initiatives and goals that reflect the college mission and values. The Indian Hills Community College Board of Trustees reviews and approves the Strategic Plan during its annual planning retreat.
The Indian Hills Community College Strategic Plan is operationalized through annual Plans for Excellence. This process engages college faculty and staff in the development of department and division action plans created to achieve strategic goals. Plans for Excellence outcomes are shared with the Indian Hills Executive Council and Management Council teams. The College President shares annual updates and outcomes during the Spring Staff Workshop to communicate college wide strategic plan progress.
2025-2028 Strategic Plan Coming Soon!