To become a certified police officer, Iowa law requires the successful completion
of training at an approved law enforcement training facility. Indian Hills Community
College has been designated as a Regional Law Enforcement Training Facility by the
Iowa Law Enforcement Academy Council to provide certification training to officers
who meet the minimum enrollment requirements as outlined in 501-2 (80B).
Officers must be certified within one year of their employment, unless the Academy
Council has granted an extension under Iowa Administrative Rule 501-3.1(3) 80B.
North Campus,
14383 College Ave.
Ottumwa, Iowa 52501
Josh graduated from Indian Hills Community College with an A.A.S and A.A. from the IHCC Criminal Justice Program in 2002. He also graduated from Buena Vista University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal justice in 2003. In 2021,
he obtained his Master's Degree in Justice Administration and Crime Management from Bellevue University.
Josh graduated from the Iowa Law Enforcement Academy 199th basic class as a certified peace officer in July of 2004. He is currently an Associate Professor of Criminal Justice at Indian Hills Community College. In 2023,
he was also the recipient of IHCC's Instruction Rank 1 designation. In addition to his teaching duties, Josh guest lectures and provides continuing education
training opportunities for local law enforcement, private businesses, and the general
Josh has worked for the Davis County Sheriff’s Office since 2004. He worked patrol, performed investigations, performed jail duties, and was a Special Operations
Group team member. He was promoted to Chief Deputy and Jail Administrator in 2009 and held that position until 2019
when he left to pursue his new career with Indian Hills. He is currently still employed part time at the Sheriff’s Office.
Josh holds various certifications from ILEA including:
Firearms Instructor
Open Sight Rifle Instructor
Defensive Tactics Instructor
Expandable Baton Instructor
Taser Instructor
Josh also holds various other certifications and continually trains with various organizations including the Force Science Institute, the National Institute for Crime
Prevention, and the Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training Center.
To attend the Iowa Law Enforcement Basic Level II Academy, you must first be hired
or sponsored by a law enforcement agency and satisfy the following eligibility requirements:
Satisfactorily completed:
Have satisfactorily completed a two-year or four-year police science or criminal justice
program that includes at least 20 credit hours dedicated to police science or criminal
justice coursework at an accredited educational institution in the state of Iowa and
documentation furnished to the academy. (Iowa Law Enforcement Academy Code 501—3.4(1)
(80B)) -OR-
Official transcripts must be provided; a final determination of eligibility for the
Level II academy will be made by the staff at ILEA in Johnston, IA prior to acceptance
into the program.
All applicants must meet any additional requirements per Iowa Code 80B.
The IHCC Law Enforcement Academy's goal is to lessen the expense to our regional law
enforcement agencies. The total cost for each recruit is: $6200 and includes the following:
Daily lunch
2 t-shirts
2 tactical pants
2 polo shirts
1 sweatshirt
2 shorts
Taser cartridge
Pepper spray cartridge
Technology Fee
Simunition Equipment
Eye and ear protection
Instruction/Administration of the program
The hiring agency will be responsible for supplying the following items:
Duty gun (9mm; 40 or 45), AR rifle chambered in 5.56 and shotgun chambered in 12 gauge
250 rounds of duty ammunition for the department handgun
Black boots
Athletic shoes
Duty belt with accessories
Housing (if needed, IHCC Director will help coordinate accommodations)
Body armor
An additonal $125 certification processing fee will also be billed at the completion
of the program.
Lodging is not included in the cost of the academy. For help making accommodations,
please contact your hiring agency, or our Director may help with scheduling.
This precision driving course focuses on different techniques for vehicle control,
cognition, multitasking skills, application of legal principals, and use of force.
This course is designed to build up best practices in driving skills before adding
elements such as emergency driving, pursuit driving, and scenarios. Participants
will show proficiency through practical tests and scenarios.
This course will meet the requirements for the ILEA Reserve Academy, Module F precision
driving and will also meet the qualified immunity standard for new officers prior
to attending an academy class. The course is also a great refresher for certified
officers currently working in Iowa.
Morning Session : 08:00 am – 12:00 pm Range Training Strategy for Aggressive Active Shooter Response & Considerations for
Armed Responders to Active Shooter Attacks (Law Enforcement Personnel Only) Targeted Audience: Law Enforcement Firearms Instructors, Range Masters, Department
Trainers This presentation will outline, explain, and show a live-fire training methodology
specifically designed to build competence and confidence in armed response to quickly
stop an Active Shooter. It covers the most-needed skills, the best way to train and
assess those skills, and how to design and run realistic live-fire scenarios.
Considerations for Armed Responders to Active Shooter Attacks This presentation covers topics such as gear, mental preparation, issues armed responders
should expect to encounter while fighting the Active Shooter, and the attack environment.
Afternoon Session : 01:00 pm – 4:00 pm A General Study of the Active Shooter Problem & How to Minimize Victims Targeted Audience: School Administrators, Hospital Administrators, Businesses, Government
Facilities The US has been failing at Active Shooter response for over 40 years. Because of
these failures, we continue to see high victim counts in many attacks. This fast-paced,
information-packed presentation includes both a detailed study of the Active Shooter
threat and recommendations for how we can minimize victims in future attacks. These
recommendations are for individuals and organizations and are based on historical
data, math, and logic. It will cover attacks at schools, churches, businesses, government
facilities, and other locations. It will cover who the attacker is, weapons he uses,
usual attack start locations, and the importance of TIME & MATH in planning a response.
Evening Session: 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm A Church-Focused Study of the Active Shooter Problem & How to Minimize Victims (2-3
hours) Targeted Audience: Church Security Teams This presentation is a focused study of the church Active Shooter attack, what responses
have saved lives, and what responses have not. Topics covered include: a study of
past church attacks; what is most likely to happen in church Active Shooter attack;
recommendations for the church response plan; and the importance of TIME & MATH.
As required by IAC 201-50.10 and 50.11 this 40-hour school is designed as instruction
for correctional officers who are within their first year of employment. Persons attending
will learn the essential skills to perform the duties necessary for a correctional
officer, meet the requirements as mandated by the code of Iowa and to receive certification
as a correctional officer.
This precision driving course focuses on different techniques for vehicle control,
cognition, multitasking skills, application of legal principals, and use of force.
This course is designed to build up best practices in driving skills before adding
elements such as emergency driving, pursuit driving, and scenarios. Participants
will show proficiency through practical tests and scenarios.
Comprehensive hands-ons Forensic Investigation Training. This 3-day course covers
state-of-the-art methods of identifying, recording, processing, and preserving various
types of evidence found at the scene of the crime. This program is geared for Hands-on
use of equipment, materials and supplies necessary for a thorough and comprehensive
evidence collection mission.
If you have a laptop or other device that can support a USB Drive, Microsoft Word,
and PDF documents, please bring one to class.
Not quite ready to join our academy, but interested in learning more about IHCC's
Criminal Justice program or registering for a non-credit continuing education course?
The Indian Hills Community College Criminal Justice Center utilizes RECON™ 180 Simulator
Training, a three-screen, adaptable environment. Our virtual reality simulators provide
an unparalleled level of realism, immersing users in real-world scenarios to help
them develop critical skills and prepare for the challenges they could face in the
Law enforcement officers will be immersed in the same self-initiated or dispatched
activities they will see on duty while incorporating communication, de-escalation,
and use of force training into everything from traffic duties to active shooter events.
With the ability to rotate the outer screens, IHCC’s simulator provides accurate perspectives
that enhance training outcomes and help officers make more informed decisions in the