Law Enforcement Academy

To become a certified police officer, Iowa law requires the successful completion of training at an approved law enforcement training facility. Indian Hills Community College has been designated as a Regional Law Enforcement Training Facility by the Iowa Law Enforcement Academy Council to provide certification training to officers who meet the minimum enrollment requirements as outlined in 501-2 (80B).

Officers must be certified within one year of their employment, unless the Academy Council has granted an extension under Iowa Administrative Rule 501-3.1(3) 80B.


Learn more about our Life. Changing. Academy

IHCC Regional Law Enforcement Program Highlights
Meet the Academy Director
Certifications Obtained
Enrollment Requirements
Academy Cost
Academy Dates
Lodging Options


Ready to join our Academy?

Register To Attend IHCC's Law Enforcement Academy!


Stay up to date on Upcoming Trainings & Events 

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Upcoming Trainings & Events

Check back frequently as training schedule will be updated as more classes are scheduled.

February 28, 2025: Precision Driving
March 10 - 14, 2025:  Defensive Edge Advanced AR 15 Armorers Course
March 20, 2025:  Ed Monk, Last Resort Firearms Training , Active Shooter Training Series
March 31 – April 4, 2025: Jailer Certification Course  (IHCC Centerville Campus)
May 16, 2025:  Precision Driving
May 19 – 21, 2025: CSI and Forensic Investigation Plus Photography Training (Sirchie Hosted Class)


Not quite ready to join our academy, but interested in learning more about IHCC's Criminal Justice program or registering for a non-credit continuing education course?

Explore Our Continuing Education Courses Today!

Earn Your A.A. Or A.A.S in Criminal Justice!


Check our our State-of-the-Art Simulator!

IHCC Virtual Reality Training for Law Enforcement

The Indian Hills Community College Criminal Justice Center utilizes RECON™ 180 Simulator Training, a three-screen, adaptable environment. Our virtual reality simulators provide an unparalleled level of realism, immersing users in real-world scenarios to help them develop critical skills and prepare for the challenges they could face in the field.

Law enforcement officers will be immersed in the same self-initiated or dispatched activities they will see on duty while incorporating communication, de-escalation, and use of force training into everything from traffic duties to active shooter events.  With the ability to rotate the outer screens, IHCC’s simulator provides accurate perspectives that enhance training outcomes and help officers make more informed decisions in the field.


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josh-odellJosh O’Dell, Director, Law Enforcement Academy
North Campus, 14383 College Ave. Ottumwa, Iowa 52501

641-683-5111, x1497
[email protected]


josh-odellShelli Tedrow
Safety and Transportation Coordinator

North Campus, 14383 College Ave. Ottumwa, Iowa 52501
641-683-5111, x4250
[email protected]