Admissions Resources

Indian Hills Community College Recruiters may use this webpage as a reference for important facts or links that they may need to access while on recruiting trips and/or events.

2023-24 Academic Calendar View Calendar
What is the benefit of taking college classes, while still in High School? Connect 2 College

Steps for becoming an Indian Hills Student:

Are you ready to Apply?

Would you like to live on Campus?

Interested in getting involved?


Apply Now


Student Life

Which program is right for me? Academic Divisions
Do you have questions about Financial Aid? Paying for College
Looking for a little extra money to help with paying for college? Scholarships
Need to send us your High School or previous college transcript? Registrar
Do you have questions about transferability?

Academic Advising

Transferring in Iowa

Planning your future career?

O*Net Online

Career Coach

Are you interested in learning more about Job Corps? Job Corps
Are you interested in learning about RISE? RISE Program